
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Introduction to Bruce Lee 李小龙生平简介(转载)

英文名:布鲁士(Bruce Lee)
籍贯: 中国-广东-顺德
生于:1940年11月27日 (星期三) 9:15pm
卒于:1973年 7月20日 (享年32岁)
所拍电影和电视剧:金门女(1940),富贵浮云(1948),梦里西施(1949),细路祥(1950),凌霄孤雁(1950),人之初(1951),苦海明灯(1953),母泪(1953),父之过(1953),千万人家(1953),危楼春晓(1953),(上集)(1955),爱(下集)(1955),孤星血泪(1955),守得云开见月明(1955),孤儿行等于苦命女(1955),儿女债(1955),许癫纳福(1955),早知当初我唔嫁(1956),雷雨(1957),甜姐儿(1957),人海孤鸿(1959),唐山大兄(1971),精武门(1972),猛龙过江(1972),龙争虎斗(1973),死亡游戏(1973),盲人追凶,打击恶魔党,可爱的女孩, 布朗蒂,青锋侠等。


  历史上,中国武术与泰拳也曾有过非正式交手,互有胜负。一代武星李小龙据传曾与泰拳比武,但结果不为人知。后来有人说,李小龙打败了泰国拳王;但也有 人称李小龙在比赛中腰部受重创。不管以上两种说法哪一种正确,但李小龙确实研究过泰拳并将泰拳之精技有机地融入其所创立的截拳道中。




李小龙生于美国三藩市,他的童年和少年是在香港度过的。李小龙幼时身体非常瘦弱。他父亲为了儿子的体魄强壮,在他7岁时便教其练习太极拳。李小龙在13岁 时跟随名师叶问系统地学习了咏春拳,并在家中设一座木桩,每天对着木桩勤练不辍。此外,他还练过洪拳、白鹤拳、谭腿、少林拳、戳脚等拳种,为后来自创截拳 道打下了坚实的基础。


由于害怕李小龙学坏,在他18岁那年,李小龙的父母决定送李小龙到美国留学。 李小龙在西雅图的生活相当艰苦,进入大学就读以后,他除了学习外,把精力都放在研习武术上。他在学校里组织了一支“中国功夫队”,经常在校园里进行训练和表演,博得了师生们的好评。

1964年,美国在加利福尼亚州举行全美空手道比赛,当时年仅24岁的李小龙横扫所有选手取得了桂冠。 李小龙经过精益求精的潜修苦练,使功夫逐渐娴熟乃至达到更高的境界。其中的“李三脚”、“寸拳”和“勾漏手”更是他的绝招。 李小龙是个多面手,除了精通各种拳术外,还擅长长棍、短棍和二节棍等各种器械,并研习气功和硬功。

李小龙为了宣扬中华武术,在大学2年级期间,租了校园的一个停车场角落,挂起了“振藩国术馆”的牌子。他边教边练,刻苦磨炼,技术大有长进,尤以腿功造诣 更为精深。 在振藩国术馆里,他认识了来学武术的医学院女学生莲达,经过一年多的交往,他们渐渐产生了感情,在1964年8月,他俩正式结婚。婚后,李小龙夫妇双双辍 学,合力经营武术馆。

自从李小龙在佛罗里达州唐 人街赤手空拳制服4个持刀歹徒,勇救华人少女的消息在报纸上刊登之后,李小龙的名字便传遍了美国,佛罗里达州等电视台也请他表演腿法,中国功夫引起人们的 重视。而他创办的振藩国术馆也逐渐兴旺起来了。为了扩大影响,李小龙经常到各处参加武术比赛,并先后在西雅图、奥克兰、洛杉矶等地开设武术分馆授徒。国术 馆的规模和设备不断完善,世界上许多显赫的武打明星如美国空手道冠军罗礼士等都争着拜他为师,好莱坞的著名电影明星如占士亨宾和史提夫都是他的门徒。世界 拳王阿里也曾登门拜访,与他交流经验。美国国内各流派的拳师经常聚集在李小龙的武馆切磋武艺,他的“以武会友”的宗旨收到了预期的效果。涉足电影界功夫震 全球


1971年夏季,李小龙接受香港嘉乐电影公司的邀请,以1.5万美元的片酬签了两部影片,第一部是以中国武术为题材的《唐山大兄》。该片预算只有10万美 元,而且剧本也是边拍边写的,在这种情况下却创下了香港开埠以来的电影最高票房纪录,达到了300万港元。 继《唐山大兄》之后,李小龙又拍摄了《精武门》,《精武门》比《唐山大兄》增加了一倍的预算,引起更大的轰动。李小龙在片中的大无畏精神和惊人的打斗技 巧,特别是他表演中的“李三脚”和“地躺拳”和“双节棍”,令人赞不绝口。 此后,李小龙又自组协和电影公司,自编、自导、自演了影片《猛龙过江》和《死亡游戏》,还与美国华纳电影公司联合拍摄了《龙争虎斗》,并亲自担任了主角。 正当李小龙雄心勃勃,大展宏图,准备继续拍完《死亡游戏》的时候,由于药物过敏,1973年7月20日突然在香港逝世,享年才33岁。

李小龙由于在武术和电影等方面有卓越的贡献,他先后在1972年和1973年两度被国际权威武术杂志《黑带》评为世界七大武术家之一。1972年还被香港 评为十大明星之一。美国报刊把他誉为“功夫之王”,日本人称他为“ 武之圣者”,香港报纸赞誉他为“当代中国武术及电影史上的奇才”。在美国、日本、英国、香港、台湾等国家或地区同时出版了纪念李小龙的多种多样的杂志和特 刊,都称他为“发扬中国武术最有成效的人。”

李小龙的一生是短暂的,但却如同一颗耀眼的彗星划过国际武坛的上空,对现代技击术和电影表演艺术的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他主演的功夫片风行海外,中国功 夫也随之闻名于世界。许多外文字典和词典里都出现了一个新词:“功夫”(Kung fu)。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武术,李小龙也成了功夫的化身。许多国外武林高手、空手道拳师,泰拳大师看过李小龙主演的功夫片后都承认:“李 小龙确有真功夫。”确实,还很少有一位东方武术家能像李小龙一样突破国家、种族的领域,并且在死后声威依然不减。

李小龙多才多艺,亦文亦武。他每当练功之余,埋头研究武术理论与训练方法。他逝世前留下了七大本学武笔记和六本著作手稿:《截拳道》、《截拳道研究》、 《功夫记录》、《二节棍法》、《布鲁斯-李拳术图解》(英文版)和《布鲁斯-李武打技法》(英文版)。世界各国技击杂志仍在不断地研究、介绍他的武功,世 界各地的武术爱好者依然崇拜他。当回顾作为一位中华武术传人的李小龙一生时,人们将永远怀念他那颗热爱中华民族、振奋中华民族精神,渴望中华民族强盛的赤 诚之心。
李小龙的一生是短暂的,但却如同一颗耀眼的彗星划过国际武坛的上空,对现代技击术和电影表演艺术的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他主演的功夫片风行海外,中国功 夫也随之闻名于世界。许多外文字典和词典里都出现了一个新词:“功夫”(Kungfu)。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武……

一代功夫巨星李小龙先生英年早逝已经有三是个年头,然而期暴毙之因却是近代一迷。在网上,以及在很多报刊杂志上面恐怕大家都会看到,李小龙的死只是死于药 物过敏而已,但其实并非如此简单的事情。根据现代的报道来看,李小龙的死因已经是没有太多人的关注了,人们可能都已经淡忘了这些事情,迷迷糊糊只记得他死 于药物过敏而已。但是翻开90年代的书刊《武魂》可以看到事实的真相。一九九三年四月纽约一盘录音带的播放才真正使得这一实际之谜终于得以大白于天下:
事件应从五十年代讲起。1958年11月底,18岁的李小龙在由香港开往美国旧金山的“克•利夫兰总统号”客轮上偶然结实了休•博比的唯一的女儿珍妮特。 刚满十八岁饿珍妮特自幼就任性无羁但却光彩照人,李小龙那古怪而自信的性格,勇武而凶猛的武技使得她竟然被神魂颠倒地喜欢上了这个东方人。
四年后(1962年),正攻读医学硕士的珍妮特突然决定要出远门。休•博比先生也认为女儿只是和同学去迈阿密游玩,便不经意地答应了。事实上,珍妮特 去了西雅图,旧情重燃的她仍然深爱着李小龙,并试图说服李小龙。李小龙忙于振藩武事的训练和应付来自各界的挑战,自然是不会听进珍妮特的话的。况且,武术 对于李小龙而言,简直就是他的生命和所有的理想。
1963年6月的一天,珍妮特突然神秘地回到纽约的家中,并称已怀上了李小龙的孩子。但当珍妮特的哥哥迈克尔(当时已颇有名气的银行家)专程问及李小龙 时,李小龙却对这件事情予以否认,并将已与艾琳达订婚之事告诉了他。这对于珍妮特来说是一个非常沉重的打击,珍妮特患了精神病,住进了医院。1964年, 珍妮特在家中喂婴儿吃奶,电视上转播着美国洛杉矶长堤举行的世界武术比赛,截拳道和李小龙的出现震惊了现场观众,更震惊了珍妮特和他的父亲休•博比。李小 龙的自信成了现实:他成为令世界震惊的大英雄!然而就在比赛节目结束不久,珍妮特勒死小孩后也割脉自杀。悲痛欲绝的休•博比当时只有一个念头:李小龙必须 死!
李小龙的日渐走红和成功,使得休•博比越发要除掉李小龙。迈克尔征得父亲同意,悄悄联合了黑手党准备对李小龙下手,结果狡猾的黑手党借此“洗钱”五千万美 元,且趁机大加敲诈,迈克尔被激怒,声称要去自首,结果回家途中“车祸”丧生。丧女和丧子双重之痛愈发坚定了休•博比要杀掉李小龙的决心。不久,他找到了 一位医术高超的脑血管专家,借助李小龙曾昏倒拍戏场的现象,一个阴险的计划实施了。
其实李小龙已患上了脑肿瘤,为了加速李小龙的死亡,休•博比和这位医学专家使用了一种导致血管爆裂的致死药物BMN(症状则与死亡一模一样)。计划顺利实 施,不久,一代武星就这样流行般逝去了,休•博比也终于满意地笑了。(不知道大家看到“休•博比笑了”这一句话的时候,心里是怎样的滋味。请大家发表评 论)


Bruce Lee (Traditional Chinese: 李小龙; Simplified Chinese: 李小龙; Pinyin: Lǐ Xiǎolóng; Cantonese Yale: Léih Síulùhng; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973) was a martial artist, philosopher, instructor, and martial arts actor widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the 20th century.

Born in San Francisco and grew up in Hong Kong, Lee is best remembered for the presentation of Chinese martial arts to the non-Chinese world. His Hong Kong-produced and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and sparked the first major surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West. The direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in Hong Kong and the rest of the world. Lee became an iconic figure particularly to Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies.[1] Many see Lee as a model blueprint for acquiring a strong and efficient body, as well as developing a mastery of martial arts and hand to hand combat skills.

Early life
Bruce Lee was born at the Jackson Street Hospital in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the United States, to a Chinese theatrical family touring the country.[2] Lee's parents returned to Hong Kong with the newborn Lee when he was three months old. His father, Lee Hoi-Chuen (李海泉), was Chinese, and his Catholic mother, Grace (何爱瑜), had a half German and half Chinese father and a Chinese mother.[3][4][5][6][7][8] He was a citizen of the United States and did not hold any other citizenships.

Education and family
At age 12, Lee entered La Salle College, a secondary school. Then, he attended St Francis Xavier's College. In 1959, Lee got into a fight with a feared Triad gang member's son. His father became concerned about young Bruce's safety, and as a result, he and his wife decided to send Bruce to the United States to live with an old friend of his father's. All he had was 0 in his pocket and the title of 1958 Crown Colony Cha Cha Champion of Hong Kong. After living in San Francisco, he moved to Seattle to work for Ruby Chow, another friend of his father's. In 1959, Lee completed his high school education in Seattle and received his diploma from Edison Technical School. He enrolled at the University of Washington as a drama major and took philosophy classes. It was at the University of Washington that he met his future wife Linda Emery, whom he would marry in 1964. He had two children with Linda, Brandon Lee (1965-1993) and Shannon Lee (1969-). Brandon, who would also become an actor like his father, died in an accident during the filming of The Crow in 1993.


Screenshot from Thunderstorm, one of a few movies Bruce Lee starred in as a teenagerLee's Cantonese given name, Jun Fan (振藩; Mandarin Pinyin: Zhènfán), literally means "invigorate San Francisco" (三藩市).[9] At his birth, he additionally was given the English name of "Bruce" by a Dr. Mary Glover. Though Mrs. Lee had not initially planned on an English name for the child, she deemed it appropriate and would concur with Dr. Glover's addition.[10] Interestingly, the name "Bruce" was never used within his family until Bruce Lee enrolled in La Salle College (a Hong Kong high school) at the age of 12,[9] and again at another high school (St. Francis Xavier's College in Kowloon), where Lee would come to represent the boxing team in inter-school events.

Lee initially had the birth name Li Yuen Kam[1](李炫金); Mandarin Pinyin: Lǐ Xuànjīn) given to him by his mother, as at the time Lee's father was away on a Chinese opera tour. This name would later be abandoned because of a conflict with the name of Bruce Lee's grandfather, causing him to be renamed to Jun Fan upon his father's return. Also of note is that Bruce Lee was given a feminine name, Sai Fung (细凤, literally "small phoenix"), which was used throughout his early childhood in keeping with a Chinese custom that is traditionally thought to hide the child away from evil spirits.

Lee's screen names were respectively Lee Siu Lung (in Cantonese), and Li Xiao Long (in Mandarin) (李小龙; Cantonese pengyam: Ley5 Siw2 Long4; Mandarin Pinyin: Lǐ Xiǎolóng) which literally translate to "Lee Little Dragon" in English. These names were first used by director 袁步云 of the 1950 Cantonese movie 细路祥 in which Lee would perform. It is possible that the name "Lee Little Dragon" was based on his childhood name of "small dragon", as in Chinese tradition the Chinese dragon and phoenix come in pairs to represent the male and female genders, respectively. The more likely explanation however is that he came to be called "Little Dragon" because according to the Chinese zodiac, Bruce Lee was born in the Year of the Dragon.

Acting career
Lee's father, Lee Hoi-Chuen, was a famous Cantonese Opera star. Through his father, he was introduced into films at a very young age and appeared in several short black-and-white films as a child. Lee had his first role when he was a mere baby that was carried onto the stage. By the time he was 18, he had appeared in 20 films.[2] Having acted in non-martial arts films throughout his childhood and teenage years in Hong Kong, Lee attempted to start his acting career in the United States in the 1960s. He became famous for playing Kato alongside Van Williams in the TV series The Green Hornet which lasted for only one season from 1966 to 1967. He also played Kato in three episodes of the series Batman which was also produced by the same people of The Green Hornet. This was followed by guest appearances in television series such as Ironside (1967) and Here Come the Brides (1969). In 1969 he made his first major film appearance in Marlowe where he played a henchman hired to intimidate private detective Philip Marlowe by smashing up his office with karate chops and kicks. In 1971 he appeared in four episodes of the television series Longstreet as the martial arts instructor of the title character Mike Longsteet.

Not happy with the roles that he was being offered in the U.S., Lee then returned to Hong Kong and was offered a film contract by Raymond Chow to appear in films produced by his company Golden Harvest. He played his first leading role in The Big Boss (1971) which was a huge box office success all over Asia and catapulted him to stardom. He went on to star in Fist of Fury (1972) which was an even bigger success at the box office and wrote, directed and starred in Way of the Dragon (1972). In 1964 at a demonstration in Long Beach, California, Lee met Karate champion Chuck Norris. In Way of the Dragon Lee introduced Chuck Norris as his opponent in the final fight scene at the colosseum in Rome which is considered to be one of his most famous fight scenes. He was then offered the lead role in Enter the Dragon (1973) which was the first to be produced jointly by a Chinese and American studio. This was to be the film that would have shot Lee to fame in America. Tragically, Lee mysteriously died three weeks before the film was released.

Enter the Dragon went on to become one of the highest grossing films of the year and cemented Lee's status as a martial arts legend. It was made for US0,000 in 1973 (.74 million in 2005 currency). [11] To date, Enter the Dragon has grossed over 0 million worldwide.[12] The movie sparked a brief fad in the martial-arts epitomized in songs like Kung Fu Fighting and TV shows like Kung Fu.

Robert Clouse, the director of Enter the Dragon attempted to finish Lee's incomplete film Game of Death which Lee had intended to also write and direct. Lee had shot over 40 minutes of footage for Game of Death before shooting was stopped to allow him to work on Enter the Dragon. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a student of Bruce Lee also appeared in the film. In the film, Lee played Billy Lo who while wearing the now famous yellow track suit, took on the 7 foot 2 giant basketball player in a climactic fight scene. Unfortunately, Lee had died before he was due to resume filming for Game of Death. Robert Clouse finished the film using a Bruce Lee look-alike and archive footage of Lee from his other films and released it in 1978 with a new storyline and cast. However it only contained 15 minutes of the actual footage Lee had shot and the rest of the film had Lee's lookalike Tai Chung Kim playing Billy Lo and Yuen Biao acting as a stunt double. The unused footage Lee had filmed was recovered 22 years later and was included in the Bruce Lee documentary Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey.

Martial arts training and development
Young Bruce's first introduction to martial arts was through his father, Lee Hoi Cheun. He learned the fundamentals of Wu style Tai Chi from his father, .[citation needed] Lee's sifu, Wing Chun master Yip Man, was also a colleague and friend of Hong Kong's Wu family Tai Chi teacher Wu Ta-ch'i.

Lee started training in Wing Chun Gung Fu (aka Ving Tsun Kung Fu / WingTsun Kung-Fu) at the age of 14 under Hong Kong Wing Chun Sifu Yip Man. Lee was introduced to Yip Man in early 1954 by William Cheung, then a live-in student of Yip Man. Like most Chinese martial arts schools at that time, Sifu Yip Man's classes were often taught by the highest ranking students. One of the highest ranking students under Yip Man at the time was Wong Shun-Leung. Wong is thought to have had the largest influence on Bruce's training. Yip Man trained Lee privately after some students refused to train with Lee due to his ancestry.[13] Lee would leave Hong Kong before learning the entire Wing Chun curriculum, but Wing Chun formed the foundation of his own martial art expressions and later explorations of martial arts.[14]

Jun Fan Gung Fu
Main article: Jun Fan Gung Fu
Lee began teaching martial arts after his arrival in the United States in 1959. Bruce Lee taught what he called the "Tao of Chinese Gung Fu" with Wing Chun at its core. Jun Fan Gung Fu (literally Bruce's Gung Fu), the name Lee called his martial art, is basically a slightly modified approach to Wing Chun [15]. Lee taught friends he met in Seattle, starting with Judo practitioner Jesse Glover as his first student and who later became his first assistant instructor. Before moving to California, Lee opened his first martial arts school, named the Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute, in Seattle.

Lee also improvised his own kicking method, involving the directness of Wing Chun and the power of Northern Shaolin kung fu. Lee's kicks were delivered very quickly to the target, without "chambering" the leg.

Jeet Kune Do
The Jeet Kune Do Emblem. The Chinese characters around the Taijitu symbol indicate: "Using no way as way" & "Having no limitation as limitation" The arrows represent the endless movement and change of the universe.Main article: Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune Do originated in 1965. The match with Wong influenced Lee's philosophy on fighting. Lee believed that the fight had lasted too long and that he had failed to live up to his potential. He took the view that traditional martial arts techniques were too rigid and formalistic to be practical in scenarios of chaotic street fighting. Lee decided to develop a system with an emphasis on "practicality, flexibility, speed, and efficiency". He started to use different methods of training such as weight training for strength, running for endurance, stretching for flexibility, and many others which he constantly adapted.

Lee emphasized what he called "the style of no style". This consisted of getting rid of a non-formalized approach which Lee claimed was not indicative of traditional styles. Because Lee felt the system he called Jun Fan Gung Fu was too restrictive, it was transformed to what he would come to describe as Jeet Kune Do or the Way of the Intercepting Fist, a term he would later regret because Jeet Kune Do implied specific parameters that styles connotate whereas the idea of the martial art was to exist outside of parameters and limitations.

Bruce Lee certified 3 instructors, Taky Kimura, James Yimm Lee (no relation to Bruce Lee) and Dan Inosanto. James Yimm Lee, a close friend of Bruce Lee, died without certifying additional students. Taky Kimura, to date, has certified one person in Jun Fan Gung Fu: his son and heir Andy Kimura. Dan Inosanto continues to teach and certify select students. Prior to his death, Lee told his then only two living instructors Inosanto and Kimura (James Yimm Lee had died in 1972) to dismantle his schools. Both Taky Kimura and Dan Inosanto were allowed to teach small classes thereafter without using the name Jeet Kune Do.

As a result of a lawsuit between the estate of Bruce Lee and the Inosanto Academy, the name "Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do" was legally trademarked, and the rights were given solely to the Lee estate. "The name is made up of two parts: 'Jun Fan' (Bruce's given Chinese name) and 'Jeet Kune Do' (the Way of the Intercepting Fist). The development of Bruce Lee's art from 1961 until the end of his life was one smooth and indivisible path. In the beginning, he referred to his teachings simply as Jun Fan Gung Fu.

Some martial arts instructors, in an effort to promote themselves or their martial arts schools, make dubious claims about learning from or teaching Bruce Lee. Yet, only 3 were certified by Lee.

1964 Long Beach International Karate Championships

Bruce Lee's "One inch punch"At the invitation of Ed Parker, Lee appeared in the 1964 Long Beach International Karate Championships[16] and performed repetitions of two-finger pushups (using the thumb and the index finger) with feet at approximately a shoulder-width apart. In the same Long Beach event he also performed the "One inch punch".[17] The description of which is as follows: Lee stood upright, his right foot forward with knees bent slightly, in front of a standing, stationary partner. Lee's right arm was partly extended and his right fist approximately an inch away from the partner's chest. Without retracting his right arm, Lee then forcibly delivered the punch to his partner while largely maintaining his posture, sending the partner backwards and falling into a chair said to be placed behind the partner to prevent injury, though the force of gravity caused his partner to soon after fall onto the floor.

1967 Long Beach International Karate Championships

Bruce Lee's "Unstoppable punch"Bruce Lee also appeared at the 1967 Long Beach International Karate Championships[18] and performed various demonstrations, including the infamous "unstoppable punch" with USKA karate champion Vic Moore.

Physical fitness and nutrition

Physical fitness

Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon in 1972Bruce Lee felt that many martial artists of his day did not spend enough time on physical conditioning. Bruce included all elements of total fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. He tried traditional bodybuilding techniques to build bulky muscles or mass. In his book The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, he wrote "Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation." "JKD, ultimately is not a matter of petty techniques but of highly developed spirituality and physique".[19]

The weight training program that Lee used during a stay in Hong Kong in 1965 at only 24 years old placed heavy emphasis on his arms. At that time he could perform bicep curls at a weight of 35 to 40lbs for three sets of eight repetitions, along with other forms of exercises, such as squats, push-ups, reverse curls, concentration curls, French presses, and both wrist curls and reverse wrist curls. [20] The repetitions he performed were 6 to 12 reps (at the time). While this method of training targeted his fast and slow twitch muscles, it later resulted in weight gain or muscle mass, placing Bruce a little over 165 lbs. Bruce Lee was documented as having well over 2,500 books in his own personal library, and eventually concluded that "A stronger muscle, is a bigger muscle". However, Bruce forever experimented with his training routines to maximize his physical abilities. He employed many different routines and exercises, which effectively served his training and bodybuilding purposes.[21]

Lee believed that the abdominal muscles were one of the most important muscle groups for a martial artist, since virtually every movement requires some degree of abdominal work. Perhaps more importantly, the "abs" are like a shell, protecting the ribs and vital organs.

He trained from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., including stomach, flexibility, and running, and from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. he would weight train and cycle. A typical exercise for Lee would be to run a distance of two to six miles in 15 to 45 minutes, in which he would vary speed in 3-5 minute intervals. Lee would then ride his stationary bicycle for 30-45 minutes at full speed immediately after running. Next, Lee would do some skipping rope for 800 jumps non-stop.


According to Linda Lee, soon after he moved to the United States, Bruce Lee started to take nutrition seriously and developed an interest in health foods, high-protein drinks and vitamin and mineral supplements. Bruce later realized that in order to achieve a high-performance body, one could not fuel it with a diet of junk food. With the wrong fuel, the body's performance would become sluggish or sloppy. Lee's diet included protein drinks; he always tried to consume one or two daily, but discontinued drinking them later on in his life.

Linda recalls Bruce's waist fluctuated between 26 and 28 inches. "He also drank his own juice concoctions made from vegetables and fruits, apples, celery, carrots and so on, prepared in an electric blender". He consumed large amount of green vegetables, fruits, and fresh milk everyday. Bruce always preferred to eat Chinese or other Asian food because he loved the variety that it had.

Although Bruce Lee is best known as a martial artist and actor, Lee majored in philosophy at the University of Washington. Lee's books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are well-known both for their philosophical assertions both inside and outside of martial arts circles. His philosophy often mirrored his fighting beliefs, though he was quick to claim that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings. His influences include Taoism and Buddhism.

The following are some of Bruce Lee's quotes that reflect his fighting philosophy.

"If I tell you I'm good, you would probably think I'm boasting. If I tell you I'm no good, you know I'm lying."
"Fighting is not something sought after, yet it is something that seeks you."
"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, and it can crash. Be like water, my friend..."
"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it."
"The more relaxed the muscles are, the more energy can flow through the body. Using muscular tensions to try to 'do' the punch or attempting to use brute force to knock someone over will only work to opposite effect."
"Mere technical knowledge is only the beginning of Kung Fu. To master it, one must enter into the spirit of it."
"There are lots of guys around the world that are lazy. They have big fat guts. They talk about chi power and things they can do, but don't believe it."
"I'm not a master. I'm a student-master, meaning that I have the knowledge of a master and the expertise of a master, but I'm still learning. So I'm a student-master. I don't believe in the word 'master.' I consider the master as such when they close the casket."
"Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there."
"Jeet Kune Do: it's just a name; don't fuss over it. There's no such thing as a style if you understand the roots of combat."
"Unfortunately, now in boxing people are only allowed to punch. In Judo, people are only allowed to throw. I do not despise these kinds of martial arts. What I mean is, we now find rigid forms which create differences among clans, and the world of martial art is shattered as a result."
"I think the high state of martial art, in application, must have no absolute form. And, to tackle pattern A with pattern B may not be absolutely correct."
"True observation begins when one is devoid of set patterns."
"The other weakness is, when clans are formed, the people of a clan will hold their kind of martial art as the only truth and do not dare to reform or improve it. Thus they are confined in their own tiny little world. Their students become machines which imitate martial art forms."
"Some people are tall; some are short. Some are stout; some are slim. There are various different kinds of people. If all of them learn the same martial art form, then who does it fit?"
"Ultimately, martial art means honestly expressing yourself. It is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky so I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself, and to express myself honestly enough; that my friend is very hard to do."
"Using no way as way; Having no limitation as limitation."
See also Wikiquotes for more quotes by Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee and popular culture
Main article: Bruce Lee and popular culture

Awards and honors

Statue of Lee at the Avenue of StarsWith his ancestral roots coming from Gwan'on in Seundak, Guangdong province of China (广东顺德均安, Guangdong Shunde Jun'An), a street in the village is named after him where his ancestral home is situated. The home is open for public access.
Bruce Lee was named TIME Magazine 's 100 Most Important People of the Century as one of the greatest heroes & icons, as an example of personal improvement through in part physical fitness, and among the most influential martial artists of the twentieth century.
The 1993 film Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story claims to be a slightly fictionalized biographical film about Bruce Lee, few scenes are based on reality, however.
In 2001, LMF, a Cantonese hip-hop group in Hong Kong, released a popular song called "1127" as a tribute to Bruce Lee.
In 2003, "Things Asian" wrote an article on the thirtieth anniversary of his death.[22]
In 2004, UFC president Dana White credited Bruce Lee as the "father of mixed martial arts".[23]
In September 2004, a BBC story stated that the Herzegovinian city of Mostar was to honor Lee with a statue on the Spanish Square, as a symbol of solidarity. After many years of war and religious splits, Lee's figure is to commend his work: to successfully bridge culture gaps in the world. The statue, placed in the city park, was unveiled on November 26, 2005 (One day before the unveiling of the statue in Hong Kong, below).[24]
In 2005, Lee was remembered in Hong Kong with a bronze statue to mark his sixty-fifth birthday. The bronze statue, unveiled on November 27, 2005, honored Lee as Chinese film's bright star of the century.[25]
As of 2007, he is still considered by many martial artists and fans as the greatest martial artist of all time.[26][27]
On April 10, 2007 China's national broadcaster announced it has started filming a 40-part series on martial arts icon Bruce Lee. Xinhua News Agency said China Central Television started shooting "The Legend of Bruce Lee" over the weekend in Shunde in Guangdong province in southern China. Shunde is the ancestral home of Lee, who was born in San Francisco. It said the 50 million yuan (US.4 million; €4.8 million) production will also be filmed in Hong Kong and the United States, where Lee studied and launched his acting career. Chen Guokun, who plays Lee, said he has mixed feelings about playing the role of the icon, Xinhua reported. "I'm nervous and also excited, but I will do my best," Chen, who's also known as Chan Kwok-kwan, was quoted as saying. Chen, best known for appearing in the action comedy "Kung Fu Hustle," says Lee has been his role model since he was a child and that he has practiced kung fu for many years. The TV series, which is due to be aired in 2008, the year Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, appears to aimed at highlighting Chinese culture in the run up to the event.[28]



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